mardi 2 novembre 2021

I can't figure out what to do with this and i'm new to java

Create a program with a class called Card that represents a standard playing card. Each card has a suit and a face value. Create a driver class called DealCards that deals five random cards.

Helpful Tip: In the Card class you can use a switch or two

public class card {

        public final static 
        // the 4 suits
                int SPADES = 4,       
                HEARTS = 3,
                DIAMONDS = 2,
                CLUBS = 1;
    public final static 
                int ACE = 1,          
                JACK = 11,        
                QUEEN = 12,       
                KING = 13;
    private final int suit;   
    private final int value;  // The value of this card, from 1 to 11.
    public card (int theValue, int theSuit) {
    value = theValue;
    suit = theSuit;
        public int getSuit() {
    // Return the int that codes for this card's suit.
    return suit;
        public int getValue() {
    // Return the int that codes for this card's value.
    return value;
        public String getSuitAsString() {
    // Return a String representing the card's suit.
    // (If the card's suit is invalid, "??" is returned.)
            switch ( suit ) {
            case SPADES:   return "Spades";
            case HEARTS:   return "Hearts";
            case DIAMONDS: return "Diamonds";
            case CLUBS:    return "Clubs";
            default:       return "??";
            public String getValueAsString() {
            // Return a String representing the card's value.
            // If the card's value is invalid, "??" is returned.
            switch ( value ) {
    case 1:   return "Ace";
    case 2:   return "2";
    case 3:   return "3";
    case 4:   return "4";
    case 5:   return "5";
    case 6:   return "6";
    case 7:   return "7";
    case 8:   return "8";
    case 9:   return "9";
    case 10:  return "10";
    case 11:  return "Jack";
    case 12:  return "Queen";
    case 13:  return "King";
    default:  return "??";
    public String toString() {
    // Return a String representation of this card, such as
    // "10 of Hearts" or "Queen of Spades".
    return getValueAsString() + " of " + getSuitAsString();
    } // end class Card

import java.util.Random;

public class DealCard {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    //private String selectRandomCard() {

    String card;
    System.out.println("This program displays a randomly chosen card");
    card  = new String();
    //Card randomCard = cardDeck.getRandomCard();
    Random rnd = new Random();
    int r;
    r = rnd.nextInt(13)+1;
    switch (r) {
    case 1:
        card = "Ace";
    case 2:
        card = "2";
    case 3:
        card = "3";
    case 4:
        card = "4";
    case 5:
        card = "5";
    case 6:
        card = "6";
    case 7:
        card = "7";
    case 8:
        card = "8";
    case 9:
        card = "9";
    case 10:
        card = "10";
    case 11:
        card = "Jack";
    case 12:
        card = "Queen";
        card = "King";
    return card;

 * Randomly select a card suit
 * @ return The selected card suit
private String selectRandomCardSuit() {
    String cardSuit;
    Random rnd = new Random();

    int s;
    s= rnd.nextInt(4) +1 ;
    switch (s) {
    case 1:

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