I'm making a game using SpriteKit and Objective-C.
I have four different texture drops (Blue, Green, Orange and Red) that falls down on screen randomly.
In my ANBDropNode class I have this method:
+(instancetype)dropOfType:(ANBDropType)type {
ANBDropsNode *drop;
if (type == ANBDropTypeBlue) {
drop = [self spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"bluedrop"];
} else if (type == ANBDropTypeGreen) {
drop = [self spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"greendrop"];
} else if (type == ANBDropTypeOrange) {
drop = [self spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"orangedrop"];
} else if (type == ANBDropTypeRed){
drop = [self spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"reddrop"];
[drop setupPhysicsBody];
return drop;
And in my GamePlayScene these two:
-(void)addDrops {
NSUInteger randomDrop = [ANBUtil randomWithMin:0 max:4];
self.drop = [ANBDropsNode dropOfType:randomDrop];
float y = self.frame.size.height + self.drop.size.height;
float x = [ANBUtil randomWithMin:10 + self.drop.size.width
max:self.frame.size.width - self.drop.size.width - 10];
self.drop.position = CGPointMake(x, y);
[self addChild:self.drop];
-(void)update:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime {
if (self.lastUpdateTimeInterval) {
self.timeSinceDropAdded += currentTime - self.lastUpdateTimeInterval;
if (self.timeSinceDropAdded > 1) {
[self addDrops];
self.timeSinceDropAdded = 0;
self.lastUpdateTimeInterval = currentTime;
The question is (and it may sound a little dumber, I know): before the drop hits the ground it has already changed it value. If ANBDropNode *drop is a bluedrop, before it hits the ground the method randomly create another drop and change it value for greendrop, for example. But I don't want this behavior. I want the drop to continue with its value until it reaches the ground so I can detect its color in my didBeginContact method.
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