mercredi 21 janvier 2015

python randomizer - get random text between curly braces with double nesting level

hey i need to create simple python randomizer. example input:

{{hey|hello|hi}|{privet|zdravstvuy|kak dela}|{bonjour|salut}}, can {you|u} give me advice?

and output should be:

hello, can you give me advice

i have a script, which can do this but only in one nested level

with open('text.txt', 'r') as text:
matches = re.findall('([^{}]+)',
words = []
for match in matches:
parts = match.split('|')
if parts[0]:
words.append(parts[random.randint(0, len(parts)-1)])
message = ''.join(words)

this is not enough for me )

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