vendredi 25 décembre 2015

Randomize words in a batch script from a txt

Hi :) I have this code:

del *.txt
for  %%x in (*) do type NUL > %%~nx.txt
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /b *.txt') do (
echo title: bear mouse rabbit & echo description: word & echo tag_field: wolf, fish, bird & echo photography: 1 & echo design: 1 & echo painting: 0 & echo drawing: 0 & echo digital: 0 & echo hidden: false & echo safe_for_work: true) >>%%A

I need to randomize words like bear mouse rabbit and wolf, fish, bird from newfolder/dictionary.txt which contains 15 simmilar words. But the word count always must be 3X2 in this script. Also this script should generate different 3x2 words everytime it creates a txt file.

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