mardi 31 octobre 2017

Random questions & highscores in swift quiz app

Hey guys im new in swift and i search a function that displays a high score in my quiz app and i also search for a function that randomize the questions without repeating one of them. the score should appear on another view controller after finishing the quiz (or after you answered a question wrong, but that is for the future). thx for your help and sorry for my bad english!

let questions = ["best mother?", "best father?", "best sister?"]
let answers = [["Josi", "Maria", "Annika"], ["Andi", "Uwe", "Jupp"], ["Claudia", "Anna", "Lena"]]

// Variables
var currentQuestion = 0
var rightAnswerPlacement:UInt32 = 0
var points = 0;

@IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!

@IBAction func action(_ sender: Any)
    if ((sender as AnyObject).tag == Int(rightAnswerPlacement))
        print ("Right!")
        points += 1
        print ("Wrong!")

    if (currentQuestion != questions.count)
        performSegue(withIdentifier: "showScore", sender: self)

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)

//Function that displays new question
func newQuestion()
    label.text = questions[currentQuestion]

    rightAnswerPlacement = arc4random_uniform(3)+1

    //Create a button
    var button:UIButton = UIButton()

    var x = 1

    for i in 1...3
        //Create a button
        button = view.viewWithTag(i) as! UIButton

        if (i == Int(rightAnswerPlacement))
            button.setTitle(answers[currentQuestion][0], for: .normal)
            button.setTitle(answers[currentQuestion][x], for: .normal)
            x = 2
        currentQuestion += 1

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