vendredi 28 février 2020

Python implementing random restart into a hill climbing n-queen problem

from board import singleboard

#Generates a single board
def generateBoard():
    for i in range(8):
    return board

#Generates multiple boards
def generateBoards(size):
    for i in range(size):
    return boards

#Uses the Hill Climb to solve the n Queen problem I have not figured out how to implement
#random restarts quite yet

def hillClimb(problem):

    while(optimizationCheck == False and problem.calculate() != 0):
        current = problem
        for Neighbor in problem.generateNeighbors():
            if Neighbor.calculate() < current.calculate():
                current = Neighbor
        #Uses optimizationCheck
        if problem.optimizationCheck(current) == True:      

#restart goes here. I dont know how to add in the random restart. i'm not sure how to do it without #creating an entirely new def for the restart

            problem = current
    return problem

I am doing the hill climb approach to solve the n-queen problem. I have been able to get the hill climbing portion down, but i still need to implement random restarts with the hill climbing. This is my driver class for my the program. How can i have it implement random restarts with out creating a new def for the restarts. It needs to go inside the hill climb def

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