dimanche 1 mars 2020

My class objects with randomised values get the exact same values

I'm trying to create multiple objects with different randomised values with a structure from a JSON file. For every new object I create I, for some reason, get the same randomised values as the first object.

I'm doing this by creating an object through a class. I put every "Thingy" created in an array for future reference. The JSON file is populated with attributes that should, everytime a new Thingy is created, each get a random value from 0-10. Classes is not my strong side, I'm happy to hear better ways to do this (I'm interested in having funtions inside the Thingies later on).

When I reload the page and create a new Thingy, by pressing my button, the values are beautifully randomised. The problem is that every time I press my button to create more Thingies the name is randomised BUT every value gets the same random values as the previous Thingy. At first I thought is was a problem with Javascript using a pseudo random number generator but now I believe I have some wrong understanding on a script language level.

Can anyone shine some light on what I'm doing wrong or not understanding?

Please tell me if I should provide any more information, this is my first post!


var i;
var names = ["bjorn", "agnetha", "benny", "annifrid"];
var thingies = [];

var jsonFile = {
  "bodyA": {
      "sub1": {
          "subsub1": null,
          "subsub2": null,
          "subsub3": null
      "sub2": {
          "subsub1": null,
          "subsub2": null
      "sub3": {
          "subsub1": {
              "subsubsub1": null,
              "subsubsub2": null,
              "subsubsub3": null
  "bodyB": {
      "sub1": {
          "subsub1": null
  "bodyC": null

class Thingy {
  constructor (name, attributes) {
      this.name = name;
      this.attributes = attributes;

var button = document.createElement("input");
  button.type = "button";
  button.value = "Create new thingy";
  button.onclick = function() {
      // I'm using the math.js to get a random value from the names array (Yes, in this debugging instance it could get the same name as other Thingies)
      thingy = new Thingy(math.pickRandom(names), getAttributes(jsonFile));
      console.log(thingy.name + " was created!");

function getAttributes(json) {
  function iterateObject(json) {
      Object.keys(json).forEach(function (k) {
          if (json[k] !== null && typeof json[k] === 'object') {
          if (json[k] === null) {
              // This is where I get the exact same values everytime I create a new Thingy after the first one
              json[k] = math.randomInt(0, 10); // (Also from math.js - very similiar to default Math)
      return json;
  return iterateObject(json);

function logThingies() {
  for (i = 0; i < thingies.length; i++) console.log(thingies[i]);
    <!-- math.js -->
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjs/6.6.1/math.js"></script>
    <div id="myDiv">
        <button onclick="logThingies()">Show me all!</button>

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