mardi 11 avril 2023

how can generate random string in arm

I can't generate random string in arm

I have searched on chatgpt and i found this

`; Initialize the LCG LDR r0, =seed ; Load the seed value into r0 MOV r1, #1103515245 MOV r2, #12345

; Generate the random string MOV r3, #0 ; Initialize the string index to 0 loop: LDR r4, =string ; Load the address of the string into r4 ADD r4, r4, r3 ; Add the string index to the address LDR r5, [r4] ; Load the current character from the string ADD r0, r0, r1 ; Update the LCG seed ADD r0, r0, r2 MOV r6, #256 ; Compute 256 (the number of possible characters) UMULL r7, r8, r0, r6 MOV r5, r8 ; Compute the remainder of the division by 256 STRB r5, [r4] ; Store the random character in the string ADD r3, r3, #1 ; Increment the string index CMP r3, #length ; Compare the string index with the desired length BNE loop ; Loop if the index is less than the length ` how can i use this in my template an arm code that can generate random string

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