dimanche 21 décembre 2014

How do I get random numbers in Elm 0.13 without a signal?

I'm making a game where I need to draw random lines on the screen. Now it seems like Random needs a signal to work in 0.13 (and we are forced to work in 0.13). So how do I obtain those random number?

I started from the game skeleton provided at the elm-lang website and got to this:

type UserInput = { space : Bool, keys : [KeyCode] }
type Input = { timeDelta : Float, userInput : UserInput }

userInput : Signal UserInput
userInput = lift2 UserInput Keyboard.space Keyboard.keysDown

framesPerSecond = 30

delta : Signal Float
delta = lift (\t -> t / framesPerSecond) (Time.fps framesPerSecond)

input : Signal Input
input = Signal.sampleOn delta (Signal.lift2 Input delta userInput)

gameState : Signal GameState
gameState = Signal.foldp stepGame defaultGame input

stepGame : Input -> GameState -> GameState
stepGame i g =
if g.state == Start then *Get random floats*

Now in stepGame, I want to draw random lines. The problem is that I can only get random floats by providing a signal in 0.13. I have the Input signal close by the step function, but when I change the header to lets say stepGame : Signal Input -> GameState -> GameState it doesn't compile. So how do I get a signal in that function to get some random numbers... I can't seem to find the solution, it's driving me crazy.

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