I am trying to write a Shiny app for a class I'm teaching that draws a random sample from a dataset and computes summary statistics. Whenever I press the reset button on the UI, a new subset should be sampled. Here is my code so far:
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# Output for Ch. 1 Problems: Central Tendency
# Prepare data
observeEvent(input$Ch1.Prob.CT.reset, {
Ch1.Prob.CT.n <- sample(8:12, 1)
Ch1.Prob.CT.obs <- sample(1:nrow(cars), Ch1.Prob.CT.n)
data <- eventReactive(input$Ch1.Prob.CT.reset, {
cars[Ch1.Prob.CT.obs, 'dist', drop=F]
# Outputs
output$Ch1.Prob.CT.Data <- renderDataTable({
output$Ch1.Prob.CT.Mean.out <- renderUI({
if (is.na(input$Ch1.Prob.CT.Mean.in)) { # Error checking
p("No answer provided")
} else if (round(input$Ch1.Prob.CT.Mean.in, digits = 4) == round(mean(Ch1.Prob.CT.data[,1]), digits = 4)) {
p("Correct", style = "color:green")
} else {
p("Incorrect", style = "color:red")
The problem is that the sample is not random; it is always the same, every time. Even when I press the reset button, the sample is exactly the same as the one before.
Why is Shiny not randomizing? And how can I make it randomize again?
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