mardi 18 août 2015

simple matching game using javascript

I am making a simple game using javascript. The game essentially is matching the correct colour to the item of food. For example, there is 5 items of food on a picnic blanket and 5 colours written out. The player has to match the correct colour to the food. I feel i have all the correct code, but when i started styling it, everything disappeared and now i can't get it working again. SO i dont know where i have gone missing! i have a jfiddle with all the code, but the images don't appear (i dont know how to add them on jfiddle) any help is much appreciated! this is the jfiddle

this is the javascript

var colours = ["Red", "Pink", "Purple", "Yellow", "Orange", "Green"];

//this function shuffles our country array
function shuffleArray(arr) {
  var currentIndex = arr.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex ;

 //while the array hasn't ended
  while (0 !== currentIndex) {

    //find a random element 
    randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
    currentIndex -= 1;

    // And swap it with the current element.
    temporaryValue = arr[currentIndex];
    arr[currentIndex] = arr[randomIndex];
    arr[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
//returns the shuffled array
  return arr;

//variables for the fuctionality of the game
var selectedFood;
var score;
var count;
var wordClicked;
var winningScore;

//the game init fuction will contain the difficulty level within it that will be passed when the function is called
function gameInit(difficulty) {

// calculates the number of correct 
 winningScore = Math.round(difficulty/3*2);

// the score variable
 score = 0;

//count = the difficulty
 count = difficulty;

// is the map clicked yes/no
 wordClicked = false;

//gamecountries and gamemaps
var gameFoods = [];
var gameColours = [];

// shuffles the existing countries array
gameFoods = shuffleArray(colours)
//cuts the number of countries to the difficulty level
gameFoods = gameFoods.slice(0, difficulty);

//loops through the countries and displays the attached flags
for (i = 0; i<gameFoods.length; i++ )
    document.getElementById('gameFoods').innerHTML += "<div class='picnicFoods' id='"  + gameFoods[i] + "' onclick='foodClick('><img src='food/" + gameFoods[i] + ".gif'></div>" ;

//reshuffles the countries 
gameColours = shuffleArray(gameCountries)

//loops through the countries and displays the attached maps

for (j = 0; j<gameColours.length; j++ )
    document.getElementById('gameColour').innerHTML += "<div class='picnicColours' id='map-"  + gameColours[j] +  "' onclick='colourClick('><img src='colours/" + gameColours[j] + ".gif'></div>" ;



//when a flag is clicked 
function foodClick(foodClickedId)
    //set the mapclicked function is true to stop the function being activated again
    colourClicked = true;

    //sets the selectedFlag to the id of the clicked flag
    selectedFood = foodClickedId;

// removes the flag after 5 seconds after the click

        document.getElementById(foodClickedId).style.display = "none";

    }, 5000);


//when a map is clicked
function colourClick(colourClickId)
    //if a flag has been clicked
if (colourClicked == true){
    // if there remains elements to match
if (count > 0){
//does the map and flag clicked match
if(  "map-" + selectedFood ==  colourClickId)
    //add one to the score
        score = score + 1;
        //remove 1 from the count
        count = count - 1;
        //show the popup and score
        document.getElementById("popupBox").innerHTML = 
        "<div>Correct</div><div>Your Score is : " + score
         + "</div>";

        document.getElementById("gamePopup").style.display = "block";
        document.getElementById("gamePopup").style.height = scnHei*2;
        document.getElementById("popupBox").style.display = "block";
        document.getElementById("popupBox") = scnHei+150;

//if the game isn't over close the popup and let the player continue, this is tracked by the count
if (count != 0)
            //hide the related map to the selected flag
        document.getElementById("map-" + selectedFood).style.display = "none";
        //allow the users to select the next flag in the game.
colourClicked = false;
        document.getElementById("gamePopup").style.display = "none";
        document.getElementById("popupBox").style.display = "none";

         }, 5000);

    //if the game is over call the game over function


else {

        //if the answer doesn't match do not increase score but still reduce count
            score = score ;
            count = count - 1;
            //show that the player got it wrong and show their score
        document.getElementById("popupBox").innerHTML = 
        "<div>Incorrect</div><div>Your Score is : " + score
         + "</div>";

        document.getElementById("gamePopup").style.display = "block";
        document.getElementById("gamePopup").style.height = scnHei*2;
        document.getElementById("popupBox").style.display = "block";
        document.getElementById("popupBox") = scnHei+150;

//if the game isn't over close the popup and let the player continue, this is tracked by the count
if (count != 0)
            //remove the correct map so the user cannot select it in further questions but leave the incorrect one
        document.getElementById("map-" + selectedFood).style.display = "none";

        //allow the user to continue playing the game
colourClicked = false;
        document.getElementById("gamePopup").style.display = "none";
        document.getElementById("popupBox").style.display = "none";

         }, 5000);

    //else show the game is over


//if the game has ended
function gameOver (){

//store the win or lose message
var gameMessage;

//if the score is less than the winning score the player loses
if (score < winningScore){
gameMessage = "You Lose"
//otherwise they win
else {gameMessage = "You Win"}

//show the game over popup with the score
    document.getElementById("popupBox").innerHTML = 
        "<div>Game Over</div><div>" + gameMessage + 
        "</div><div>Your Score is : " + score
         + "</div>";

        document.getElementById("gamePopup").style.display = "block";
        document.getElementById("gamePopup").style.height = scnHei*2;
        document.getElementById("popupBox").style.display = "block";
        document.getElementById("popupBox") = scnHei+150;

//after 5 seconds redirect the user to the level select menu
window.location = "level.html";
         }, 5000);


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