mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Random Path Generation in 2D Plane Branching - Java

I'm making a randomized board game where the path is generated dynamically. The data structure I'm using is a 2D Array, where "start" is defined and randomly finds the next available path (Up, Right, Down, Left). It uses a weighted random system where it has a "tendency" to go straight, following the last direction. After the "finish" is blocked off, or completes a certain number of walks, it stops generating.

I would use the "Maze Generating Algorithm" but I think it's not applicable in my case because my purpose isn't to make a maze, but traversal path.

My question is, how to "branch off" into new tracks and generate a new pathway, and have spacing between blocks?

For example, my runs are as follows: enter image description here

enter image description here

And this one is ideal: enter image description here

I would also like for it to branch off into new paths at random. What kind of data structures is possible? I feel like 2D array's capabilities are not so great in generating this. Any help would be great.

This code is used for finding Next Path. Tuple is a class that contains Row and Col for positioning.

private void nextPath(){
    // up, right, down, left
    boolean availableNext [] = new boolean[] { false, false, false, false};

    if(isEmpty(new Tuple(this.lastPath.getRow() - 1, this.lastPath.getCol()))){
        availableNext[0] = true;
        //System.out.println("This ran");

    if(isEmpty(new Tuple(this.lastPath.getRow(), this.lastPath.getCol() + 1))){
        availableNext[1] = true;

    if(isEmpty(new Tuple(this.lastPath.getRow() + 1, this.lastPath.getCol()))){
        availableNext[2] = true;

    if(isEmpty(new Tuple(this.lastPath.getRow(), this.lastPath.getCol() - 1))){
        availableNext[3] = true;

    int numTrue = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<availableNext.length; i++){
        if(availableNext[i] == true){

            numTrue ++;
    }//end numTrueTest

    if(numTrue == 0 || order == this.terminateNumber){
        building = false;[lastPath.getRow()][lastPath.getCol()] = "Finish";
    } else {

        boolean chosenC = false;
        while(!chosenC) {

            int tempWeightedArr [] = new int[100];
            int counter = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<this.weightedDir.length; i++){
                  for(int j=0; j<this.weightedDir[i]; j++){
                      tempWeightedArr[counter] = i;
            }//end for

            //int rnd = new Random().nextInt(availableNext.length);
            int rnda = new Random().nextInt(tempWeightedArr.length);
            int rnd = tempWeightedArr[rnda];

                chosenC = true;
                //rnd = 0,1,2,3
                if(rnd == 0){
          [this.lastPath.getRow() - 1][this.lastPath.getCol()] = Integer.toString(order);
                    this.lastPath = new Tuple(this.lastPath.getRow()-1, this.lastPath.getCol());

                if(rnd == 1){
          [this.lastPath.getRow()][this.lastPath.getCol()+1] =  Integer.toString(order);
                    this.lastPath = new Tuple(this.lastPath.getRow(), this.lastPath.getCol()+1);

                if(rnd == 2){
          [this.lastPath.getRow() + 1][this.lastPath.getCol()] =  Integer.toString(order);
                    this.lastPath = new Tuple(this.lastPath.getRow()+1, this.lastPath.getCol());

                if(rnd == 3){
          [this.lastPath.getRow()][this.lastPath.getCol()-1] =  Integer.toString(order);
                    this.lastPath = new Tuple(this.lastPath.getRow(), this.lastPath.getCol()-1);
                for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
                    this.weightedDir[i] = 15;
                this.weightedDir[rnd] = 55;
                this.lastDir = rnd;
            }//end if
        }//end while
    }//end else


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