mardi 24 octobre 2017

Keeping a running total of score in python 3

So Im writing a program that rolls two dice and then according to what is rolled, points are assigned and a running total is kept. So far I have this but I keep running into an error of "int is not calllable". Can someone please help!

    import random
    def dice():
        a = 1
        b = 6
        return random.randint(a,b)
    rollOne = int(dice())
    rollTwo = int(dice())

    def greeting():
        option = input('Enter Y if you would like to roll the dice: ')
        if option == 'Y':
           print('You have rolled a' , rollOne, 'and a' , rollTwo)
           points = []

           if rollOne() == rollTwo():


               print('You have a total of %d points' % (sum(points)))

           if rollOne == 6 or rollTwo ==6:


               print('You have a total of %d points' % (sum(points)))

           if (rollOne + rollTwo) == 7:


               print('You have a total of %d points' % (sum(points)))


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