vendredi 21 septembre 2018

How can I filter/sort to pick the most relevant samples in R?

I am new to R and just finished basic courses. I am trying to do some statistical and interesting findings on golf shots (whether it's the ball speed, or distance). However the test sample for those players' skills vary so I see a lot of outlier data which really might not contribute a lot of the analysis. My ultimate goal is to see a trend in player's historical shot data/consistency and a possible cause of performance change.

If I were to have 1000 shots, how would I be able to sort them to ensure that I'm capturing solidly hit shots (whether I put that range manually by myself or what not) so that I can get rid of the outliers?

For example, if I have 1000 shots of the following parameters: Ball Speed, Launch Angle, Launch Direction, Ball Spin, Carry Distance, Impact Point and whatever the center struck shots that went far enough should only be counted (i.e. by pulling out Impact Point and Carry distance), what would be the code to do that?

Or just making sure regardless of the parameters, can I make R to handpick the best shots that had really good parameters overall for each shot?

Thank you.

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