dimanche 6 janvier 2019

CSS backgroung image load very slow in my ASP.NET Core App

I've used a CSS class in one of my app's layout to display an image as the whole page background.

<body class="image">

I'm using a collection of images and want the image changed randomly whenever the page is loaded. I'm using the following java-script code snippet in a page that uses the above mentioned layout:

    var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + 1;
    $("<style/>", { text: ".image {background: url(/images/covers/" + rand + ".jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position:center center;background-size: cover;"}).appendTo('body');

everything work well but images load slowly when the page is loading (about 5 or 6 seconds). I most point out which this slow loading only occurs when the app runs through IIS. When I run the app from Visual Studio, images changing with acceptable speed. And I should added that when using only one static image in CSS class to cover my page background, it is loading very fast (in both IIS and VS).

Any Idea?

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