mercredi 2 janvier 2019

List or better Algorithm for random C# - Unity

I am working with C# in Unity3D (2018.3.0f2) and I need to create a random function with multiple outcomes and multiple parameters. Is there any better way? Mine works, but I would like to have it in a list and if possible shorter.

float rndFloat = Random.value;

if      (rndFloat <  0.33f)  occlusionTime = 0.3f;
else if (rndFloat >= 0.33f && rndFloat < 0.66f) occlusionTime = 0.7f;
else                                            occlusionTime = 1.1f;

rndFloat = Random.value;

if (rndFloat < 0.25f)
    BallEnd.transform.position = EndPositions[0];
    endPosPixelCoords = EndPositionsPixel[0];

if (rndFloat >= 0.25f && rndFloat < 0.5f)
    BallEnd.transform.position = EndPositions[1];
    endPosPixelCoords = EndPositionsPixel[1];

if (rndFloat >= 0.5f && rndFloat < 0.75f)
    BallEnd.transform.position = EndPositions[2];
    endPosPixelCoords = EndPositionsPixel[2];

if (rndFloat >= 0.75f)
    BallEnd.transform.position = EndPositions[3];
    endPosPixelCoords = EndPositionsPixel[3];

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