I am working on creating a Fruchterman Reingold graph generator, and I am currently stuck on a value assignment issue. The following code assigns unexpected values on the "disp" list and the hashmap it is assigned in, named "displacement". The results are shown below. I can't figure out where the problem lies, but I expect it to be located in the final loops. I should mention all appropriate imports have been made, and that this is just a part of the code.
Thank you so much for your time! I hope that I have presented my problem in the right way!
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Random ranx = new Random();
Random rany = new Random();
//hashmap for positions
HashMap<Integer,List<Integer>> positions=new HashMap<Integer,List<Integer>>();
//hashmap for displacements
HashMap<Integer,List<Double>> displacement=new HashMap<Integer,List<Double>>();
//hashmap for calculation of hypotenuse
HashMap<Integer,List<Integer>> hypotenuse=new HashMap<Integer,List<Integer>>();
//hashmap for calculation of delta
HashMap<Integer,List<Integer>> delta=new HashMap<Integer,List<Integer>>();
//these variables will help calculate repulsive forces
int n = 2;
int area = 1280*720;
int vposx=0;
int vposy=0;
int iterations=100;
int vdispx=0;
int vdispy=0;
double DispForcex=0;
double DispForcey=0;
//these variables will help find edges
int vertices = 0;
int edges=0;
int source=0;
int dest=0;
int c=0,count=1;
String temporary=null;
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("C://Users/tsusi/Desktop/tempbottom.txt");
System.out.print("Enter the size of the problem in the format of -p edges int int-\n");
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
String line = scan.nextLine();
String[] wordsp = line.split(" ");
String[] wordse = null;
int iter = 500;
char[] pcheck=wordsp[0].toCharArray();
if (pcheck[0] == 'p'){
//convert string to integer
vertices = Integer.parseInt(wordsp[2]);
edges = Integer.parseInt(wordsp[3]);
//System.out.println(vertices+" "+edges);
System.out.println("Error. Wrong format");
double k = 0.5*(Math.sqrt(area/n));
//initialise EVERYTHING
for (int i=0; i<=n; i++){
List<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<>();
//System.out.println(vposx+" "+vposy);
List<Double> tempdisp = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> deltalist = new ArrayList<>();
delta.put(i, deltalist);
//attraction forces
for (int i=0;i<=1;i++){
for (int v=0;v<n-1;v++){
int deltax=0;
int deltay=0;
//the sublist functiojns are there to split the list so that we can later
//use the x,y coordinates to calculate delta
List<Integer> deltalist = new ArrayList<>();
for (int u=0;u<n-1;u++){
if (u!=n){
//Just as mentioned earlier, we will split the lists in order to extract coordinates
List<Integer> test = positions.get(v);
List<Integer> height = test.subList(0,1);
List<Integer> width = test.subList(1,2);
List<Integer> test2 = positions.get(u);
List<Integer> height2 = test2.subList(0,1);
List<Integer> width2 = test2.subList(1,2);
//calculate the length of each vector, then store to hashmap
int w1=width.get(0);
int w2=width2.get(0);
int h1=height.get(0);
int h2=height2.get(0);
double deltaL=Math.hypot(w2-w2, h2-h1);
double repForce= (k*k)/deltaL;
double dispForcex=Math.abs(w1-w2)*repForce/deltaL;
double dispForcey=Math.abs(h1-h2)*repForce/deltaL;
//split displacement list
List<Double> test3 = displacement.get(v);
List<Double> height1 = test3.subList(0,1);
List<Double> width1 = test3.subList(1,2);
double dispxfinal=height1.get(0)+(w1-w2)*repForce;
double dispyfinal=width1.get(0)+(h1-h2)*repForce;
List<Double> disp = new ArrayList<>();
Actual results:{0=[NaN, NaN], 1=[0.0, 0.0], 2=[0.0, 0.0]} Expected results: {0=[random,random] ... n=[random,random]}
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