jeudi 21 février 2019

Swift 4.2+ seeded random number generator

I'm trying to generate seeded random numbers with Swift 4.2+, with the Int.random() function, however there is no given implementation that allows for the random number generator to be seeded. As far as I can tell, the only way to do this is to create a new random number generator that conforms to the RandomNumberGenerator protocol. Does anyone have a recommendation for a better way to do it, or an implementation of a RandomNumberGenerator conforming class that has the functionality of being seeded, and how to implement it?

Also, I have seen two functions srand and drand mentioned a couple times while I was looking for a solution to this, but judging by how rarely it was mentioned, I'm not sure if using it is bad convention, and I also can't find any documentation on them.

I'm looking for the simplest solution, not necessarily the most secure or fastest performance one (e.g. using an external library would not be ideal).

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