mardi 18 février 2020

Are there any advantages to use `np.random.RandomState` than `np.random.random()`?

Previously, I have used the function numpy.random.rand() like below.

import numpy as np 
new_random_numbers = np.random.random(size=3)

And still I don't have any problems when I use it. But in numpy there are another way to generate random number like below.

RandomGenerator = np.random.RandomState(seed=0)
new_random_numbers = RandomGenerator.random(size=3)

using np.random.RandomState() looks shorter than before, however, I don't feel other advantages that I should use np.random.RandomState().

Are there anyone who know the advantage to use np.random.RandomState() than np.random.random()? I don't mind if it is very small advantage or for very exception case.

Thank for your help. Regards.

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