mardi 2 novembre 2021

Need an example of a unittest/pytest for a function

I would want som help on how to write some unittests/pytest in pycharm with this function:

def quiz_stats(question):
    times_asked = int(question['times_asked'])
    times_correct = int(question['times_correct'])
     return "{:.0%}".format((times_correct / times_asked))

Doesnt need to be much, I just need an example. I dont really know how to test it, have done some easy test with a calculator and numbers, but this is hard to understand. The function returns percent for a questions in a quiz, of how many people that answer questions right. It takes info from a web-API.

import random
import requests
import pprint
url = ""
data = requests.get(url).json()

def get_correct_answers(answers):
    res = []
    for ans in answers:
        if ans['correct']:
    return res

def get_numeric(prompt, max_value):
    while True:
            res = int(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:
            print("Answer only with a number!")
        if 0 < res < max_value:
            return res
            print("Invalid answer!")

**def quiz_stats(question):
    times_asked = int(question['times_asked'])
    times_correct = int(question['times_correct'])
     return "{:.0%}".format((times_correct / times_asked))**

def main():
    print("---------- Welcome to Python Quiz! ----------")
    questions = data['questions']
    score = 0
    games_count = 0
    failed_questions = []

    for question in data['questions']:
        print(f"{question['prompt']} Has answered right: {quiz_stats(question)}")
        res_data = {"id": "1", "correct": True}

        for i, a in enumerate(question['answers'], start=1):
            print(f"[{i}] {a['answer']}")
        user_answer = get_numeric("> ", len(question['answers']) + 1)

        if question['answers'][user_answer - 1]['correct']:
            score += 1
            all_correct = ", ".join(get_correct_answers(question['answers']))
            res_data['correct'] = False
            print(f"Wrong, right answer is: {all_correct}")
            failed_questions.append((question['prompt'], get_correct_answers(question['answers'])))

        games_count += 1
        if games_count == 10:
            break, json=res_data)

    print("--------------- RESULT ---------------")
    print(f"You got {score} points of {games_count} possible!")
    print("You answered wrong on this questions: ")

if __name__ == '__main__':

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