My data set consists of more than 50.000 locations ($ longitude and $ latitude) of 25 GPS collard animals with a date time stamp ($ acquisition_time) and some additional info (age class, sex, study area). I am working with the package amt for the first time and I am stuck trying to derive the random points for each individual within its home range.
My code so far:
#load data
dat <- read.csv('wildcat_data_ready.csv')
#prepare data
dat$acquisition_time = as.POSIXct(dat$acquisition_time,
tz = "UTC", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
dat1 <- as_tibble(dat) %>% dplyr::select (x = longitude, y = latitude,
t = acquisition_time,id=animals_id, sex=animals_sex,
age = animals_age_class, area = study_area_id)
#change projection to LAEA & add day and night
trk <- dat1 %>% make_track(x, y, t, id = id, sex = sex, age = age, area = area,
crs = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326")) %>%
transform_coords(sp::CRS("+init=epsg:3035")) %>%
amt::time_of_day(include.crepuscule = FALSE)
#get information about time resolution of fixes
info_trk <- trk %>% summarize_sampling_rate_many(c("id"), time_unit="hour")
#ensure locations are recorded 6 hours apart
trk1 <- trk %>% nest(data = -"id")
trk1 <- trk1 %>% mutate(resample = map(data, function(a) {
a %>% amt::track_resample(rate = hours(6),
tolerance = minutes(20))
# calculate kde 95% home range
trk2 <- trk1 %>% mutate(hr = map(resample, function(x) {
x %>% hr_kde(levles = 0.95)}))
trk2 <- trk2 %>% mutate(hr1 = map(hr, function(y) {
y%>% hr_isopleths()
# calculate random points in individuals home range
trk_id <- trk2 %>% mutate(random_used = map(hr1, function(z) {
z %>% random_points(n=100)
Here is a sample from my original data:
> dat[886:898,]
animals_id acquisition_time longitude latitude projection collar_type
886 1 2011-12-27 23:59:00 7.588487 47.91844 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
887 1 2011-12-28 21:59:00 7.589968 47.92188 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
888 1 2011-12-29 19:59:00 7.586910 47.93048 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
889 1 2011-12-30 17:59:00 7.596179 47.92308 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
890 1 2011-12-31 04:59:00 7.587268 47.91989 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
891 1 2012-01-01 02:59:00 7.586433 47.91984 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
892 1 2012-01-04 07:59:00 7.612507 47.95379 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
893 4 2010-05-01 02:59:00 7.620057 47.99007 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
894 4 2010-05-01 23:59:00 7.622088 47.98821 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
895 4 2010-05-02 20:59:00 7.623225 47.99002 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
896 4 2010-05-04 00:59:00 7.630547 47.97274 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
897 4 2010-05-04 21:59:00 7.623501 47.98742 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
898 4 2010-05-08 09:59:00 7.626074 47.98340 EPSG:4326-WGS48 gps
study_area_id animals_age_class animals_sex
886 13 a f
887 13 a f
888 13 a f
889 13 a f
890 13 a f
891 13 a f
892 13 a f
893 13 a f
894 13 a f
895 13 a f
896 13 a f
897 13 a f
898 13 a f
The structure of the object I use to calculate the random points with, looks like this (object trk2):
# A tibble: 65 x 5
id data resample hr hr1
<chr> <list> <list> <list> <list>
1 M25 <track_xyt [867 x 7]> <track_xyt [210 x 8]> <kde [7]> <sf [1 x 4]>
2 M23 <track_xyt [2,998 x 7]> <track_xyt [518 x 8]> <kde [7]> <sf [1 x 4]>
3 M24 <track_xyt [868 x 7]> <track_xyt [236 x 8]> <kde [7]> <sf [1 x 4]>
4 M27 <track_xyt [466 x 7]> <track_xyt [466 x 8]> <kde [7]> <sf [1 x 4]>
5 M28 <track_xyt [676 x 7]> <track_xyt [676 x 8]> <kde [7]> <sf [1 x 4]>
6 M12 <track_xyt [346 x 7]> <track_xyt [189 x 8]> <kde [7]> <sf [1 x 4]>
7 M14 <track_xyt [297 x 7]> <track_xyt [131 x 8]> <kde [7]> <sf [1 x 4]>
8 M7 <track_xyt [645 x 7]> <track_xyt [215 x 8]> <kde [7]> <sf [1 x 4]>
9 M13 <track_xyt [395 x 7]> <track_xyt [198 x 8]> <kde [7]> <sf [1 x 4]>
10 M41 <track_xyt [131 x 7]> <track_xyt [64 x 8]> <kde [7]> <sf [1 x 4]>
# ... with 55 more rows
The problem is, that I don't want 100 random points (n=100) for every individual but the amount of random points should be equal to the number of observations of the individuals. The observations are stored in the lists resample. I don't know how to change this piece of code to achieve this:
# calculate random points in individuals home range
trk_id <- trk2 %>% mutate(random_used = map(hr1, function(z) {
z %>% random_points(n=100)
I appreciate every tip.
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