jeudi 17 mars 2022

Assign a consistent random number to id in SAS across datasets

I have two datasets data1 and data2 with an id column. I want to assign a random id to each id, but this random number needs to be consistent across datasets. (rand_id for id=1 must be the same in both datasets). The objective is to get:

id rand_id
1 0.4212
2 0.5124
3 0.1231
id rand_id
1 0.4212
3 0.1231
2 0.5124
4 0.9102

I thought

DATA data1;
SET data1;

and the same for data2 would do the job, but it does not. It just takes as seed the first id and generates a sequence of random numbers. From the STREAMINIT documentation, it seems it's only called once per data setp. I'd like to be called it in every row. Is this possible?

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