vendredi 22 avril 2022

Counting how many times value meets 2 times in a row in list

I need to count how many times 'Eagle' appears 2 times in a row in random generated list. In case ['Eagle', 'Eagle', 'Eagle', 'Eagle'] it should count 2, not 3

import random
def HeadsOrTails(amo):
amo1 = []
Coin = ['Eagle', 'Tails']
for i in range(amo):
return amo1

count = 0

for i in range(len(HeadsOrTails(30))):
    if HeadsOrTails(30)[i] == 'Eagle':
        if HeadsOrTails(30)[i] == HeadsOrTails(30)[i+1]:
            count += 1

print(f' Eagle repeats {count} times in the list')

For some reason it calculates amount of values wrongly

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