mardi 12 avril 2022

python random int append to list and count "x" top numbers that occurred and number of times int occurred

New to python so all help is appreciated! I did check and found several count post but couldn't find any that print the top occurrences from the list. (ie 3 occurred 6x, 4 occurred 4x and 2 occurred 3x)

Goal: I'd like to have the code print 1000 numbers 0,1000 randomly and then be able to choose how many to show.

so for example num = [0,5,12,5, 22,12,0 ,32,22,0,0,5] I want to be able to see say the top 3 repeated numbers and how many times that number occurred. 0-4times, 5-3times, 12-2times.

code Progression #valid attempts are made

Prints 1000 times randomly

import random

for x in range(1001):

Append the randint directly to num

import random

num = []
for x in range(1001):


Includes prompt to get how many integers you want to see.

import random

num = []
for x in range(1001):

highscore = input("Please enter howmany numbers you'd like to see: ")
print("The top", highscore, "repeated numbers are: ", num)

Issues left: how to print highscore's count for num (this part 0-4times, 5-3times, 12-2times.)

Attempt at count issue (prints 0 every time. added num to print to confirm if "y" was in the list)

import random

#creates list
num = []
for x in range(0,10):

highscore = input("input number of reoccurrence's you want to see: ")
y = num.count(highscore)
print(num, y)

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