mercredi 18 janvier 2023

Can javascript Math.random() really reach 0?

Based on mdn Math.random() can return 0 but can not return 1

The Math.random() static method returns a floating-point, pseudo-random number that's greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1

I tried to loop Math.random() to get 10 number below e-10 and it takes 15 minutes to complete it with my 4 cores 8 threads cpu and from that 10 numbers 0 never get returned. Is my test case just too small or latest javascript Math.random() can never return 0?

note: I run the code using node.js v18.12.1 and the smallest number ever returned is 5.2724491439448684e-12 (yes its small, but it isn't 0)

let countSmallNumber = 0;
let temp = 0;
while (countSmallNumber < 10) {
    temp = Math.random();
    if (temp < 0.0000000001) {
        console.log(`almost 0 => ${temp}`);

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