I am making a small tool to learn Korean characters. However i am stuck at the buttons that wont randomly arrange after being created and my counter keeps going crazy after 20 - 30 clicks.
The rest seems fine so far i think.
How i want to make it:
- Start button starts the game
- A timer starts running backwards(not added yet)
Random Korean characters are generated and put into the display div and the three buttons. (Seems to work)
The user has to choose, which button represents the romanized letters of the Korean character.
If its the right button, the user gets a point and if not, then the user loses a point.
After the timer runs out, the tool stops and the points are displayed along with the wrong choices.(not added yet)
I tried to make a working fiddle but its doing nothing for some reason. http://ift.tt/1ciJ2aY
I have tried to put the variables outside of the function as globals, but it didn't work, so i put them into the function as well.
I have no clue clue how to fix the points going backwards all of a sudden. And the random order of the buttons doesn't seem to work as well.
Here is my code:
var chars = [
['ㄱ', 'G'],
['ㄲ', 'GG'],
['ㄴ', 'N'],
['ㄷ', 'D'],
['ㄸ', 'DD'],
['ㄹ', 'L'],
['ㅁ', 'M'],
['ㅂ', 'B'],
['ㅃ', 'BB'],
['ㅅ', 'S'],
['ㅆ', 'SS'],
['ㅇ', 'NG'],
['ㅈ', 'J'],
['ㅉ', 'JJ'],
['ㅊ', 'CH'],
['ㅋ', 'K'],
['ㅌ', 'T'],
['ㅍ', 'P'],
['ㅎ', 'H'],
['ㅏ', 'A'],
['ㅐ', 'AE'],
['ㅑ', 'YA'],
['ㅒ', 'YAE'],
['ㅓ', 'EO'],
['ㅔ', 'E'],
['ㅕ', 'YEO'],
['ㅖ', 'YE'],
['ㅗ', 'O'],
['ㅛ', 'YO'],
['ㅜ', 'U'],
['ㅠ', 'YU'],
['ㅡ', 'EU'],
['ㅣ', 'I']
var points = 0;
var contents = new Array();
var randomNumber0 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 33) - 1);
var randomNumber1 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 33) - 1);
var randomNumber2 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 33) - 1);
var randomChar = chars[randomNumber0][0];
var randomChar0 = chars[randomNumber0][1];
var randomChar1 = chars[randomNumber1][1];
var randomChar2 = chars[randomNumber2][1];
var f = "'";
document.getElementById("letterToGuess").innerHTML = randomChar;
var i = 0;
var random;
var spacing = " ";
while (i < contents.length) {
random = Math.floor(Math.random() * contents.length);
contents[0] = '<button id=' + randomChar0 + ' onclick="check(' + f + randomChar0 + f + ');">' + randomChar0 + '</Button>';
contents[1] = '<button id=' + randomChar1 + ' onclick="check(' + f + randomChar1 + f + ');">' + randomChar1 + '</Button>';
contents[2] = '<button id=' + randomChar2 + ' onclick="check(' + f + randomChar2 + f + ');">' + randomChar2 + '</Button>';
document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = contents;
function check(char) {
if (char === randomChar0) {
document.getElementById("points").innerHTML = points;
randomNumber0 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 33) - 1);
randomNumber1 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 33) - 1);
randomNumber2 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 33) - 1);
randomChar = chars[randomNumber0][0];
randomChar0 = chars[randomNumber0][1];
randomChar1 = chars[randomNumber1][1];
randomChar2 = chars[randomNumber2][1];
f = "'";
contents[0] = '<button id=' + randomChar0 + ' onclick="check(' + f + randomChar0 + f + ');">' + randomChar0 + '</Button>';
contents[1] = '<button id=' + randomChar1 + ' onclick="check(' + f + randomChar1 + f + ');">' + randomChar1 + '</Button>';
contents[2] = '<button id=' + randomChar2 + ' onclick="check(' + f + randomChar2 + f + ');">' + randomChar2 + '</Button>';
document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = contents;
document.getElementById("letterToGuess").innerHTML = randomChar;
} else {
document.getElementById("points").innerHTML = points;
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