mardi 2 juin 2015

PHP shuffle like mysql order by rand(seed)

Here is a tough one. How do you shuffle an array in PHP but preserve the order of the shuffle when an element is inserted or deleted like mysql order by rand(seed) does? A kind of Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm that ignores the length of the array.

Lets assume you have an array with A,B,C and you run this: SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'A' AS value UNION SELECT 'B' AS value UNION SELECT 'C' AS value) AS T order by rand(123)

The result will be B,C,A.

Now if you add D to the list of elements: SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'A' AS value UNION SELECT 'B' AS value UNION SELECT 'C' AS value UNION SELECT 'D' AS value) AS T order by rand(123)

The result will be D,B,C,A.

Adding element E to the list: SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'A' AS value UNION SELECT 'B' AS value UNION SELECT 'C' AS value UNION SELECT 'D' AS value UNION SELECT 'E' AS value) AS T order by rand(123)

The result will be D,B,C,E,A.

Fisher-Yates will provide a totally different order when you add the element "D" to the array, while mysql order by rand(seed) will insert element "D" somewhere in the already random sorted list.

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