Good afternoon Stack Overflow community. I was working on a fighting sim as a side project and I was stopped short by an input error on line 11. The only problem seems to be that line 11 doesn't have an input statement. I'm unsure of what is causing this:
#Fighting Simulator
from random import *
def main():
tutorial = input("Would you like a brief rundown of how to play? (Y/N): ")
if tutorial == "Y":
print("Choose your stats and fight randomly generated characters")
chosen = False
while chosen == False:
maxstats = 25
fightername = input("\rEnter your fighter's name: ")
print("Choose your fighter's stats. Total stat points cannot exceed 25.")
strength = eval(input("Enter a value between 1 and 10 for your fighter's strength: "))
blocking = eval(input("Enter a value between 1 and 10 for your fighter's blocking: "))
quickness = eval(input("Enter a value between 1 and 10 for your fighter's quickness: "))
luck = eval(input("Enter a value between 1 and 10 for your fighter's luck: "))
deception = eval(input("Enter a value between 1 and 10 for your fighter's deceptiveness: "))
totalstats = strength+blocking+quickness+luck+deception
if totalstats > maxstats:
print("Invalid stats configuration.")
satisfaction = input("Are you satisfied with your character? (Y/N): ")
if satisfaction == "Y":
chosen = True
running = True
cpuname = "The Hunter from Bambi", "Hades", "Hitler", "George W. Bush", "Justin Bieber"
for x in range(0,4):
validstats = False
while validstats == False
bstr = randint(1,10)
bblk = randint(1,10)
bquick = randint(1,10)
bluck = randint(1,10)
bdec = randint(1,10)
totalcpu = bstr+bblk+bquick+bluck+bdec
if totalcpu == maxstats:
validstats = True
hpplayer = 100
hpcpu = 100
gameover = False
while running == True and gameover == False :
victory = False
print("\rPlayer's HP:",hpplayer," "cpuname[x]"'s HP:",hpcpu)
decision = input("Attack or block? (A/B): ")
cpudecision = randint(0,1)
blockmult = 2
if decision == "A":
power = strength*10
if cpudecision == 0:
damage = power-(bblk*.10*power)
print(fightername,"attacks for", damage, "damage")
hpcpu = hpcpu-damage
if (hpcpu <= 0):
print(cpuname[x],"has been KO'd!")
victory = True
running = False
powercpu = bstr*10
damagecpu = powercpu-(blocking*.10*powercpu)
print(cpuname[x],"attacks for", damagecpu, "damage")
hpplayer = hpplayer - damagecpu
if (hpplayer <= 0):
print(fightername,"has been KO'd!")
running = False
blockboost = blockmult*bblk
bdamage = power-(blockboost*.10*power)
print(fightername,"attacks for", bdamage, "damage")
print(cpuname[x],"blocks and takes reduced damage")
hpcpu = hpcpu-bdamage
if (hpcpu <= 0):
print(cpuname[x],"has been KO'd!")
victory = True
running = False
if cpudecision == 0:
bboost = blockmult*blocking
powercpu = bstr*10
damagecpu = powercpu-(bboost*.10*powercpu)
print(cpuname[x],"attacks for", damagecpu, "damage")
print(fightername,"blocks and takes reduced damage")
hpplayer = hpplayer - damagecpu
if (hpplayer <= 0):
print(fightername,"has been KO'd!")
running = False
print("Both fighters are blocking, no damage was dealt."
if victory == True:
print("You win round", x+1)
if x == 4:
print("You beat the game! Congratulations!")
gameover = True
print("You lose!")
gameover = True
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