lundi 25 avril 2016

Java Random(seed) get random at index?

Explanation below, here is my current code.

Random seeded = new Random(seed);

    for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            System.out.println(i + " : " + seeded.nextInt(100));
        seeded= new Random(seed);

That outputs the following

0 : 91
1 : 76
2 : 3
3 : 56
4 : 92
5 : 98
6 : 92
7 : 46
8 : 74
9 : 60
0 : 91
1 : 76
2 : 3
3 : 56
4 : 92
5 : 98
6 : 92
7 : 46
8 : 74
9 : 60
0 : 91
1 : 76
2 : 3
3 : 56
4 : 92
5 : 98
6 : 92
7 : 46
8 : 74
9 : 60

My goal is exactly what is above. I want to make a class that extends Random, that includes a getSeededIntAtIndex function. For example, I would want to implement the class as follows.

IndexedRandom random = new IndexedRandom(seed);
int iAt30 = random.getIntAtIndex(30);

Currently, to do this, I have the following code.

public int getIntAtIndex (int index)
    Random temp = new Random(seed);
    for(int i = 0; i < index - 1; i++)

    return temp.nextInt();

I am simply cycling through the random X number of times until it hits the desired number. However, if I select a large index, like 3,000,000 I would prefer this method be optimized. Is there any way this can be optimized?

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