mercredi 25 mai 2016

Why Do I get: TypeError: choice() takes 2 positional arguments but 4 were given?

I have a problem with random.choice which I can't understand. I pass 3 arguments to the function which is allowed to have 4 (, but it writes I am allowed to give only 2 and 4 were given.

def load_data():
dataset = load_boston()
num_samples = size(, 0)
test_set_sz = int(1.0 * num_samples / 10)
tst_sub_inds = random.choice(range(num_samples), test_set_sz, False)
data_test, label_test =[tst_sub_inds, :],[tst_sub_inds]
trn_sub_inds = list(set(range(num_samples)) - set(tst_sub_inds)) 
data_train, label_train =[trn_sub_inds, :],[trn_sub_inds]
return ((data_train, label_train), (data_test, label_test))

The Error:

tst_sub_inds = random.choice(range(num_samples), test_set_sz, False) TypeError: choice() takes 2 positional arguments but 4 were given Blockquote

What is the problem? Maybe it due to an old version of python?

Thanks, Eli

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