jeudi 30 mars 2017

C#: I need to input a value, and extract information of an object

I'm programming in Unity, using the language C#.

I need to be able to input a random value, search through a list of objects in a class, and find the one with an ID that matches the random value. To make things more complicated, I also have to extract all information I can on that item. I have the random input, which is the following line of code:

firstCard = Random.Range (1, 18);

Then I have the cards:

public class Card {
public int CardID;
public string element;
public int value;
public string color;

public Card (int cardids, string elementals, int values, string coloring) {
    this.CardID = cardids;
    this.element = elementals;
    this.value = values;
    this.color = coloring;

public class CardList : MonoBehaviour {
    public Card a = new Card(1,"Fire",3,"Blue");
    //Other cards appear here.

So if the random number returns 1, I want it to retun "Fire", 3, and "Blue" because the CardID matches the random number. These two groups of code are in two different files, if that changes anything.

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