mercredi 28 juin 2017

Generating a Random Salt and use it in Bcrypt

I am trying to generate a random salt to be used in hashing a password. I am a bit new to password hashing, but form what I understand, when using BCrypt algorithm, you will get as a result a 60 characters long hashed string.

22 characters Out of these 60 characters should the salt value, which is prepended to the resulting hash.

I used a simple code to make sure that the randomly generated salt is the same one that is going to be prepended to the actual hash:

$salt = substr(strtr(base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(22)), '+', '.'), 0, 22);
echo "Salt Value is: ".$salt . "\n";

The output was: Salt Value is: XKFB8DHMiXaYTzRAHtRhX7

Then I encrypted a password using the same generated salt as follows:

$cost = 8; 
$EncryptedPassword = password_hash($Password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => $cost,'salt' => $salt]);
echo "Encrypted Password: " . $EncryptedPassword . "\n";

The output was not what I expected:

Encrypted format: $2y$10$XKFB8DHMiXaYTzRAHtRhXutlLLG8XIZjj5XGeyoUZobEtnkOn/M/S Where the resulting salt is not exactly the one I used for hashing, i.e. that last character of the salt value is always different.

The randomly generated salt is: XKFB8DHMiXaYTzRAHtRhX7

The resulting salt value is: XKFB8DHMiXaYTzRAHtRhXu

My question is what could be the problem, and how could I get the same randomly generated salt value embedded in the password hashed string without getting it changed?

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