lundi 29 janvier 2018

FCMP function giving unexpected results in PROC SQL

I wanted to take Rick Wicklin's macro ( that generates random numbers and convert it into an FCMP function. The FCMP function works as expected when called using %sysfunc(randbetween(1,100)); or via a data step, but from proc sql it always returns a value of 1.

proc fcmp outlib=work.funcs.funcs;
  function randbetween(min,max);
    return ( min + floor( ( 1 + max - min ) * rand("uniform") ) );

Working example:

data example;
  do cnt=1 to 1000;
    x = randbetween(1,100);

Broken SQL example:

proc sql noprint;
  create table have as
  select randbetween(1,100)
  from sashelp.class

Is this a bug? Or am I mis-using something?

SAS version is SAS9.4TS1M5. Windows 10x64.

EDIT: When I subsitute the formula directly into the SQL statement it works as expected, so it seems unrelated to the call to rand("uniform").

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