lundi 26 février 2018

Linux 'add_interrupt_randomness' implementation - low entropy contribution by cycles and jiffies?

currently I'm analyzing the process of entropy generation of a linux 64-bit kernel during system startup (for enducational purpose). The system is hosted as/on a (64 bit) virtual machine (Xen domU). For a deep analysis, I'm tracking the state of relevant input parameters i.e. how those are proccessed. In function 'add_interrupt_randomness' I found some code whose itention is not comprehensible to me: The handling of 'cycles' (value provided by cpu cycles counter) and 'now' (jiffies). Both are unsigned 64 bit values, and proccessed as followig:

c_high = (sizeof(cycles) > 4) ? cycles >> 32 : 0;
j_high = (sizeof(now) > 4) ? now >> 32 : 0;
fast_pool->pool[0] ^= cycles ^ j_high ^ irq;

So c_high/j_high (__u32) are assigned with the upper 32 bit of cycles/now and then assigened (after xor) to the fast entropypool. Hence a maximum variation of the values provided by c_high and j_high should be desireable(?). But since c_high and j_high are based on cycles and now/jiffies ,which are purely incremented variables, there is very little/no variation in the upper 32-bits as the traced values reveal:

Values in call no. 1 of 'add_interrupt_randomness':





Values in call no. 4265* of 'add_interrupt_randomness':





*(startup is completed at this point)

So my question is: why are the upper 32 bits proccessed instead of the lower, which would provide more randomness? Thanks for enlightenment!

If interessted: this is the complete definition of 'add_interrupt_randomness':

void add_interrupt_randomness(int irq, int irq_flags)
    struct entropy_store    *r;
    struct fast_pool    *fast_pool = this_cpu_ptr(&irq_randomness);
    struct pt_regs      *regs = get_irq_regs();
    unsigned long       now = jiffies;
    cycles_t        cycles = random_get_entropy();
    __u32           c_high, j_high;
    __u64           ip;
    unsigned long       seed;
    int         credit = 0;

    if (cycles == 0)
        cycles = get_reg(fast_pool, regs);
    c_high = (sizeof(cycles) > 4) ? cycles >> 32 : 0;
    j_high = (sizeof(now) > 4) ? now >> 32 : 0;
    fast_pool->pool[0] ^= cycles ^ j_high ^ irq;
    fast_pool->pool[1] ^= now ^ c_high;
    ip = regs ? instruction_pointer(regs) : _RET_IP_;
    fast_pool->pool[2] ^= ip;
    fast_pool->pool[3] ^= (sizeof(ip) > 4) ? ip >> 32 :
        get_reg(fast_pool, regs);


    if (!crng_ready()) {
        if ((fast_pool->count >= 64) &&
            crng_fast_load((char *) fast_pool->pool,
                   sizeof(fast_pool->pool))) {
            fast_pool->count = 0;
            fast_pool->last = now;

    if ((fast_pool->count < 64) &&
        !time_after(now, fast_pool->last + HZ))

    r = &input_pool;
    if (!spin_trylock(&r->lock))

    fast_pool->last = now;
    __mix_pool_bytes(r, &fast_pool->pool, sizeof(fast_pool->pool));

     * If we have architectural seed generator, produce a seed and
     * add it to the pool.  For the sake of paranoia don't let the
     * architectural seed generator dominate the input from the
     * interrupt noise.
    if (arch_get_random_seed_long(&seed)) {
        __mix_pool_bytes(r, &seed, sizeof(seed));
        credit = 1;

    fast_pool->count = 0;

    /* award one bit for the contents of the fast pool */
    credit_entropy_bits(r, credit + 1);


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