mercredi 21 mars 2018

Am I implementing the monkey test correctly?

I have written the following code to perform a three-letter monkey test on the notorious Randu number generator.

from itertools import product
from scipy.stats import chisquare
from numpy.random import randint

multiple = 10
number_of_random_numbers = 17576*multiple #There are 17576 possible three letter words. Therefore it's easy use a sequence length of
                                        # 17576 times some natural number.

expectation = multiple     #Given that the null hypothesis is true
                           # (equivalent to saying: given that the random sequence is iid and uniform) we expect
                           # that each word occurs once every 17576 times. Therefore the expected occurrence of each
                           # combinations is equal to the multiple. If we have a random sequence of length 2*17576 we
                           # expect each word to occur twice.

def seedlcg(init_Val):
    global rand
    rand = init_Val

def lcg_randu():
    a = 65539
    c = 0
    m = 2**31
    global rand
    rand = (a*rand + c) % m
    return rand/m


random_sequence = []
for i in range(1,number_of_random_numbers):

#  def collect_words():
#       This function collects the observed words from the sequence of random numbers. It
#       returns a list that contains the observed words.

def collect_words(random_sequence):
    list_of_words = []
    for i in range(0,len(random_sequence)):
        list_of_words.append((random_sequence[i-2],random_sequence[i-1], random_sequence[i]))
    return list_of_words

# def initiate_list_of_possible_words():
#       This function initiates a list of all possible words and returns that list.

def initiate_list_of_possible_words():
    alphabet = [x for x in range(1,27)]
    list_of_possible_words = [letter for letter in product(alphabet, repeat=3)]
    return list_of_possible_words

# def count_words(observed_words):
#       This function checks how many times each possible word combination occurred. It returns
#       a list with the number of occurrences for each word.

def count_words(observed_words):
    list_of_possible_words = initiate_list_of_possible_words()
    word_count = []
    for word in list_of_possible_words:
    return word_count

word_combinations = collect_words(random_sequence) #Collect the observed words from the sequence
word_count = count_words(word_combinations) #Collect how many times each possible word has occurred.

print(chisquare(word_count, multiple)) #Compute and print the Chisquare statistic and the corresponding p-value.

When I run this code I get the following result:

Power_divergenceResult(statistic=117915.47220000002, pvalue=0.0)

This code is supposed to count the occurrences of every possible three letter word in the generated random sequence and then perform a chi-square test. I understand that this code can probably be made to run ten times faster. However, I don't really believe that this chi-square test statistic has a p value of zero (this would mean that the monkey test would reject the the idd-ness of the Randu generator).

Question: Have I made a mistake in my code? Is there something I don't comprehend that results in this extreme p-value?

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