I have:
var_v = 0.007 ** 2
T = 100
rho = 0.9
def v_t(var_v, T):
v_t_ = np.zeros([T,1])
v_t_[1:T] = (var_v ** 0.5) * np.random.randn(len(v_t_) - 1, 1)
return v_t_
def s_t(rho, T):
v_t_ = v_t(var_v, T)
s_t_ = np.zeros([T,1])
s_t_[0] = 0
for t in range(1,T):
s_t_[t] = rho *s_t_[t-1] + v_t_[t]
return s_t_
However every time I call one of the values, i.e.
s_t(rho, T)
"or" v_t(var_v, T)
the right value is shown. But directly afterwards, when I call the other value, the value is wrong. After I clear my namespace, when I call the functions in the mirrored sequence, the same holds true.
I suspect that this is because new values are drawn by np.random.randn
. How can I easily fix the drawn values s.t. I get the right values calling s_t
and v_t
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