lundi 17 décembre 2018

How can i assing the random number from array to value?

I have a problem with arrays and assigning them to values like float. Here is my code

System.out.print("Please enter the number of iteration: ");
    Scanner scn = new Scanner(;
    int inumber = scn.nextInt(); // i get the iteration number

        Random rnd = new Random();
        float x = -10 + rnd.nextFloat() * 20; // i created random number between 10 and -10
        System.out.println("My x = " +x);

            float[] xarray = new float[4]; // created my test array
            Random arrayrnd = new Random();

        for (int i=0;i<inumber;i++) { // created a for loop with that number

            for (int j = 0; j<xarray.length;j++) {

                xarray[j] = arrayrnd.nextFloat(); // also created random for array and assigned them

            Arrays.sort(xarray); // i sorted the array
            xarray[0] = x; // i tried to assign the smallest number to x but didn't work

            System.out.println("t="+i+" My new x = " +x);

Also here is my output :

Please enter the number of iteration: 2 My x = -6.2841988 t=0 My new x = -6.2841988 t=1 My new x = -6.2841988

I just don't understand why my x is never changed even though i tried to assign the x with the new value. I want my x to change in every turn of the loop and got the the smallest number of the array. But it seems like x never want to move. I'm sorry if my code is complicated or if i have any mistakes. Happy coding!

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