mercredi 6 février 2019

Best way to shuffle array without repetition, then reset it once every value has been read - Python

im trying to make a function in my program which gets a random name from a csv file, then prints this without repetition, when all values have been printed the array resets again (so this process can repeat).

Example code:

def generatename(currentclass):
    classlistsatpath=os.path.join(ROOT_PATH,"Class name lists")



    #this code only has to run when currentclass changes
    with open(currentclasspath) as currentclassfile:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(currentclassfile)
        del namelist[0]

    if namelist==[]:
        #get csv array again

I know this code doesn't work - I need help on something very simple xD

Thanks, Sean

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