lundi 4 février 2019

Random boolean 70/30 inside function?

I am running a script in my console for swiping on the Tinder's webpage with the following script:

But now it can be seen as a bot as it keeps constantly swiping to right and therefor I want to have 70/30 rule for swiping and modified the following:

var random_boolean = Math.random() < 0.7; //Random boolean added
let run = true, time_step = 1000;
const wait = (n = 1) => new Promise((rs, rj) => run ? setTimeout(rs, n) : rj()),
  click = async (cn, i = 0) => {
    return wait(time_step)
document.onkeydown = (e = window.event) => {
  if (e.key === "a") run = run ? true : explore() || true;
  else if (e.key === "z") console.log(time_step *= 0.9);
  else if (e.key === "x") console.log(time_step *= 1.1);
  else run = false;
const explore = async () =>
  click("recCard__info").then(() =>
    Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("bullet")).reduce((p, e) =>
      p.then(() => {;
        return wait(time_step)
      }), Promise.resolve())
  ).then(() => {
    // This if statement below doesn't work
    //click("recsGamepad__button--like")  <-- this works if there is no if statement

  ).then(() => explore());

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