mardi 26 mars 2019

Need help fixing random number

I'm learning python and was working on the random dice throw and when I run it it repeats the same number that is first shown after asked if you want to play again. Need help finding where im going wrong here. Thanks!

I've tried moving code around and also putting different varieties of the code. I'm just stumped.

import sys
import random
import time

greeting = "Welcome to my Dice Game!"
roll = "Lets roll this die!"
die = random.randint(0, 6)


answer = input("Want to play?")

while answer == "yes" or answer == "y":
    answer = input("Want to play again?")
print("Thanks for playing!")

Welcome to my Dice Game! Want to play?yes Lets roll this die! 5 Want to play again?yes Lets roll this die! 5 Want to play again?y Lets roll this die! 5

This is what I get.

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