samedi 30 mars 2019

Type 'Double' has no member 'random'

I am fairly new to IOS development, I am trying to use the swift double.random(in:).

this is the example from the documentation:

for _ in 1...3 {
    print(Double.random(in: 10.0 ..< 20.0))
// Prints "18.1900709259179"
// Prints "14.2286325689993"
// Prints "13.1485686260762"

Here is my code, I am trying to generate random colors:

UIColor(red: Double.random(in: 1.0 ..< 251.0),
        green: Double.random(in: 1.0 ..< 251.0),
        blue: Double.random(in: 1.0 ..< 251.0),
        aplha: 1);

But I keep getting the Error

Type 'Double' has no member 'random'

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