jeudi 28 novembre 2019

How to change an if statement depending of Informations

Here is my problem: I have a if statement regrouping multiple conditions eg: if(stat1 & stat2 & stat3 & stat4).

in this condition, I want to compare 4 times 2 numbers.

If the number 1 is negative and the number 2 positive, I want the if statement to be if(num1 >= num2 & ....). If the number 1 is positive and the number 2 is negative, I want the if statement to be if(num1 <= num2 & ...). If the numbers are both positive but number 1 is smaller, I want it to be if(num1 >= num2 & ...)

And I think you get it.

the problem is that i can't just make multiple if statements for every possibilities, since there are something like 8 cases per conditions and 4 conditions. Is there anyway I can adapt my if statement to fit my needs in the script ? (the values number 1 and number 2 are generated randomly)

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