lundi 30 décembre 2019

How does this random number generator work?

While browsing in through some examples, I ran into this code:

Math.random = function (x) {
  return function () {
    x ^= x << 13;
    x ^= x >>> 17;
    x ^= x << 5;
    return 1 - (x >>> 0) / 0xFFFFFFFF;

But now, I am unable to understand how it works.

What I am able to understand is:

  • Since the x parameter is closure to inner returned function, the value 1 passed to it is the seed value.
  • (x >>> 0) / 0xFFFFFFFF is a random decimal decmal in 0 (probably exclusive) and 1 (probably inclusive). So we 1 - the value.

The output of first few runs:






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