vendredi 27 décembre 2019

How to constrain items with multiple randomly selected positions so that the average position for each is within a certain range

Problem: In total, I have 1-300 positions to fill in, I have 50 items, each item has 6 unique positions to choose (300 total positions). The average position for each of these items needs to be in range 145-155 (the closer to 150 the better)

Constraints: For each item, each of its 6 positions must fall within a list of fixed ranges (called runs), but not be within the same run,

e.g. The runs are: [(1,36), (37,73), (74,110), (111,148), (149,186), (187,225), (226,262), (263, 300)]. So item 1 can have position 1, 38, 158, 198, 238, 271 - so not within the same run twice.

The positions chosen should be random - or as random as possible

The issue I'm having: Constraining the randomly selected positions to be an average of 150 (or very close) seems to be really difficult. I've tried various different implementations of the code but most will result in it hanging close to the end (due to not having enough positions to choose from), or don't get very close. My best attempt just involves if statements I've placed to at least try to restrict the range but it still only gets a range of around 130-170. This feels like a really poor method and I was wondering if there was a way to do it algorithmically instead of just pasta'ing if statements in hopes something will work.

My best attempt with random band-aid restrictions:

^ as you can see the averages vary, with most things being in an acceptable range and some just being off/really off

I've spent several weeks on this but genuinely cannot think of anything to restrict it to an appropriate average (145-155) and was hoping for any help here

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