samedi 25 avril 2020

Python random Library [closed]

I am unable to figure out what to do, I know this functions and python library but my solution is not accepted by autograder. How can I generate exactly same output as problem solution given? Please help!

random.random() generates pseudo-random real numbers between 0 and 1. But what if you needed other random reals? Write a program to use only random.random()
to generate a list of random reals between 30 and 35. This is a simple matter of multiplication and addition. By multiplying you can spread the random numbers out to cover the range 0 to 5. By adding you can shift these numbers up to the required range from 30 to 35. Set the seed in this function to 70 so that everyone generates the same random numbers and will agree with the grader's list of random numbers. Print out the list (in list form).

import random

def problem2_4():
    """ Make a list of 10 random reals between 30 and 35 """
    pass # replace this pass (a do-nothing) statement with your code

COMMENT: Note that this uses a pseudorandom number generator. That means that the list will be different for each person. We issue the command random.seed(70) inside the function problem2_4() to insure that we generate the same numbers that the grader expects. If you do this problem correctly, you should get the list of random numbers below.

Test run:

[34.54884618961936, 31.470395203793395, 32.297169396656095, 30.681793552717807,
 34.97530360173135, 30.773219981037737, 33.36969776732032, 32.990127772708405, 
 33.57311858494461, 32.052629620057274]

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