lundi 27 avril 2020

Simple way to shuffle deck of cards

I'm looking for a simple way to shuffle my deck of cards. I have finished the deck, what's a simple way to create a function that shuffles the 52 cards? I'm not looking for complex ways to shuffle my deck, I prefer code that I can read with ease. I've tried to put rand() on the cout part, but it just randomizes both suits and faces and I get the wrong cards.

struct Card 
        int value;
        char suit;
Card cards[52];   //global variables

int main()
    int play;

    cout << endl<<endl;
    cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "|Welcome to The Game Of 31| " << endl;
    cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "Would you like to play? (1 for 'YES', 0 for 'NO'): ";
    cin >> play;
    if (play == 1) { shuffleDeck(); }
    else { cout << "See yaa!"; exit(0); }


void shuffleDeck() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++)
        cards[i].value = i % 13; // 13 values
        if (cards[i].value == 0) {
            cards[i].value = 1;
        else if (cards[i].value == 1) {
            cards[i].value = 2;
        else if (cards[i].value == 2) {
            cards[i].value = 3;
        else if (cards[i].value == 3) {
            cards[i].value = 4;
        else if (cards[i].value == 4) {
            cards[i].value = 5;
        else if (cards[i].value == 5) {
            cards[i].value = 6;
        else if (cards[i].value == 6) {
            cards[i].value = 7;
        else if (cards[i].value == 7) {
            cards[i].value = 8;
        else if (cards[i].value == 8) {
            cards[i].value = 9;
        else if (cards[i].value == 9) {
            cards[i].value = 10;
        else if (cards[i].value == 10) {
            cards[i].value = 10;

        else if (cards[i].value == 11) {
            cards[i].value = 10;
        else if (cards[i].value == 12) {
            cards[i].value = 10;

        cards[i].suit = i / 13;// 4 suits
        if (cards[i].suit == 0) {
            cards[i].suit = 'D';
        else if (cards[i].suit == 1) {
            cards[i].suit = 'H';
        else if (cards[i].suit == 2) {
            cards[i].suit = 'C';
        else if (cards[i].suit == 3) {
            cards[i].suit = 'S';

    for (int count = 0; count < 52; count++) {
        int count2 = 0;
        cout << " | " << cards[count].value;
        cout << cards[count].suit << " | ";

        if (count == 13) { cout << endl; }
        else if (count == 26) { cout << endl; }
        else if (count == 39) { cout << endl; }
        else if (count == 52) { cout << endl; }

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