mardi 6 octobre 2020

Why doesn't my if statements and inputs get called?

  aiMoves=random.randint(0, 2)
  p1Move=input('Player 1, whats your move?(Rock, Paper, or Scissors): ').lower
  #game structure
  #AI moves to strings
  if aiMoves==0: aiMoves='rock'
  elif aiMoves==1: aiMoves='scissors'
  elif aiMoves==2: aiMoves='paper'
  #points definitions
  #Rock for Player
  if p1Move=='rock' and aiMoves=='paper': print('AI played Paper, you lose !')
  elif p1Move=='rock' and aiMoves=='scissors': print('AI played Scissors, you win !')
  elif p1Move=='rock' and aiMoves=='rock': print('AI played rock, game is tied')
  #Paper for Player
  if p1Move=='paper' and aiMoves=='paper': print('AI played Paper, game is tied')
  elif p1Move=='paper' and aiMoves=='scissors': print('AI played Scissors, you lose !')
  elif p1Move=='paper' and aiMoves=='rock': print('AI played rock, you won !')
  #Scissors for Player
  if p1Move=='scissors' and aiMoves=='paper': print('AI played Paper, you won !')
  elif p1Move=='scissors' and aiMoves=='scissors': print('AI played Scissors, game is tied')
  elif p1Move=='scissors' and aiMoves=='rock': print('AI played rock, you lose !')

The code works fine, it asks the player what their move is, but after that, it simply shuts down and returns 0 errors.

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