mardi 17 novembre 2020

Why do I get the same random numbers when i properly seeded my generator?

I am trying to make a mini lottery simulator. I want to generate 8 random numbers with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 20. And i store these generated numbers in a Lottery object. I have a LotteryManager class, where i can decide how many times do i want to generate these lotteries. But i always get the same random numbers. I seeded the generator so I dont understand whats the problem with it. Any help is appreciated!

This is my lottery class:

class Lottery
    vector<int> lotteryA;
    int lotteryB;

    vector<int> getLotteryA() const;
    int getLotteryB() const;

    void generateLotteryA();
    void generateLotteryB();
    void printLottery() const;

And this is the class that manages it:

class LotteryManager
    unsigned int quanity = 0;
    map<unsigned int, Lottery> lotteries;
    LotteryManager(unsigned int q);

    unsigned int getQuanity() const;
    void setQuanity(unsigned int value);

    void generateLotteries();
    void printLotteries() const;

And this is my main code:

LotteryManager* lm = new LotteryManager(100);

The generate and print functions in the LotteryManager class:

void LotteryManager::generateLotteries()
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < getQuanity(); ++i)
        Lottery l;
        lotteries.insert(make_pair(i, l));

void LotteryManager::printLotteries() const
    cout << "Lotteries:" << endl;
    for(auto current : lotteries)
        cout << current.first << ".: ";

And the generate functions in the Lottery class: (The generate A and B are just the different fields, because the game aims to imitate the game named Putto, where you need to guess 8 numbers from 20 in the field A and 1 from 4 in the field B)

void Lottery::generateLotteryA()
    random_device rn_d;
    mt19937 rng(rn_d());
    uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(1, 20);
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)

void Lottery::generateLotteryB()
    lotteryB = (rand() % 20) + 1;

Thanks in advance!

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