jeudi 4 mars 2021

How can I use randjump instead of generating a certain number of random numbers?

I am trying to "skip forward" a few realizations by using the function Future.randjump(), but it doesn't seem to behave as I expect it to. The following code gives me the desired result, where jumping forward 1 steps gives the same result as if I had called randn(rng) twice, i.e. the two println display the same number:

using Random, Future
rng = MersenneTwister(123);

new_rng = Future.randjump(rng, 1)

However, if I add one extra call to randn(rng) before the call to randjump(), the two printed numbers are completely different:

using Random, Future
rng = MersenneTwister(123);

randn(rng)                                # Added line
new_rng = Future.randjump(rng, 1)

I expected that the two calls to println() would display the same thing even in the second case, how come they don't? Is there a way I can use randjump() in the second case to get the same realizations as if I had called randn(rng) several times? Thank you in advance.

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