I'm trying to get two random characters inside a word (not first or last) and swap them. Ex. word = wrod, what = waht. My code however, just replaces the first random letter with the second random letter instead of swapping them. Is there a way around this?
word = str(input("Please enter your word here: "))
#Only scramble if word has more than 3 letters
if len(word) > 3:
#randompick picks random positions in the word
def randompick() :
#Pick random positions
pos1 = randint(1, len(word)-2)
pos2 = randint(1, len(word)-2)
#Make sure second position isn't the same as the first
while pos1 == pos2:
pos2 = randint(1, len(word)-2)
#assign letters to variables
firstLetter = word[pos1]
secondLetter = word[pos2]
#run scramble function
#return firstLetter, secondLetter
scramble(firstLetter, secondLetter)
#scramble swaps the two positions previously chosen in randompick
def scramble(firstLetter, secondLetter):
scrambled_word = word.replace(firstLetter, secondLetter) #first replacement
print (scrambled_word)
#Run functions
print (word)
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